Monday, June 16, 2008

Quick Mission Update

So...the dentist and doctor both had cancellations so I was able to get in a lot sooner than expected. Needless to say: My papers are done. I am working on making an appointment with the Stake President, which will be the final step in submitting them. I should have my call approximately 3 weeks from when that happens. How exciting!!! I can't wait. I'm trying to stay motivated at work and school but its been really hard since all I think about now is being a missionary. :) I guess thats a good thing though. Well, thats all I got. Hope everyone's doing well!

UPDATE: Sorry, this is an update from the original update. I have my appointment! I'm meeting with the stake president on Sunday this my papers should be in shortly after that. How exciting! :)


Unknown said...

Ohhhhh man, it's coming up fast! I'm so excited for you!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!! That is so awesome! good luck!