Tuesday, June 3, 2008

BIG News!!

Well, I have BIG news. After years of contemplation, being called into the Bishop's office, and a whole lot of prayer...I've decided


I couldn't be more excited. I'm still working on my papers. I have an appointment with the oral surgeon on Tuesday to discuss when I'm going to get my wisdom teeth out and an appointment with a doctor to get my physical on the 30th of June. (It's SOOO far away but its as soon as they could get me in). So I'm just hoping that I'll be able to get my papers in at the beginning of next month. I can't wait. I'm already going crazy with wonder.

This is one of the most important decisions in my life and I feel like it is completely and totally the right one. I've had many doubts about it in the past and just pushed it out of my head, but I can't push it out anymore. I have felt that it is right, and who am I to argue? I know that this is the true Gospel of Christ and I am so excited to share it with others. I know that Jesus bled and died for our sins and that we can return to our Heavenly Father through him. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and that he restored the Gospel on this earth. I know that God listens and answers our prayers. He loves us and knows us each personally and individually and will lead us in the right direction if we just ask. I know that we have a Prophet on the earth this day, President Monson, who receives revelation and prophecy from God. I know that the Book of Mormon is the truest book ever written and I am so grateful to have this knowledge. I just hope and pray that I will be able to teach the people of wherever it is I end up going with the spirit and that they will have open minds and hearts to be able to feel it and know that it is true. I just know that knowledge of these truths can bring peace and joy and happiness to anyone and I hope to share that happiness with others.


DaveandRach said...

A mission! that is so exciting! I'm kinda jealous tho! hahaha i hope the best for you and am excited for you to find out where you are going!

Callie, Shawn and Braxton said...

yeah. congrats. you'll be a great missionary

Cindy said...

I'm so proud of you. I love you so much. Love Mom