Friday, March 14, 2008

Oh The Joys of Life... this is gonna be a boring one. My life has been kind of a little bit hectic lately. You wouldn't think so. My only responsibility is my job...and I go there Monday through friday for 8 hours a day...and thats it. Of course I am a visiting teacher and need to take care of that...and I also was called to be the Visiting Teaching Supervisor, which also needs to be done..but thats it. The end. Why has time been so crazy lately, you might ask? Well...lets start with Monday. I get up and go to work...when I get home, I change and go work out for about an hour (This doesnt ALWAYS happen, but I try)...which takes me to about 6 o'clock when I get home and eat dinner...then I go to FHE at 7. Tuesdays are close to the same. I either end up going to institute or Jen's house. Wednesday is generally the day I run, target, the gateway...whatever...I dont really know why, but thats when I do it. Thursday, I go to enrichment or some other relief society activity or I sometimes go to Jen's house. Friday's and Saturday's...more often than not...I'm somewhere else besides home. I hang out with Donny and Liz, or go to Provo, Rexburg, or somewhere else with people. I'm realizing very quickly that I'm never home! Sunday is less hectic though. Its the only day of the week I feel like I can actually sit back and relax. Whats up with that? I have a job...thats it. Why is Sunday my only day to relax? I think my nana and papa probably think I hate being home or something, which is totally untrue, but for some reason, I just never am. I signed up for some classes online for this summer and I dont even know when I'm going to sqeeze in time to do homework and stuff...I guess we'll see what happens. So...theres my life in a nut shell (Well, actually, if I were in a nut shell I'd probably be screaming right about now, but you know, its just an expression.) Sorry I bored you all to death. Hopefully after this weekend I'll have some pictures to post.*

*I'm going to Provo tonight to hang out with friends
*I'm going on a date to a jazz game that I'm quite excited about

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