Hurray! This semester has finally come to an end. It seems like it took FOR-EV-ER, but then again, it seems like it went by super fast! These new shorter semesters are a killer. I feel like the teachers aren't used to them, so they start out normally, then near the end of the semester, they just throw everything in and hope you get finished before the semesters over. But man, I am SO glad its over.
So I have to have a C- in Accounting 201 to go on to any of the following business classes...and this class has seriously killed me! So I really thought I wasn't going to pass. So I didn't finish my last accounting homework because I was just going to retake the class, but I received an email from my teacher today. He said "I calculated your grade and you have a D+ right now, but I don't have your Chapter 11 homework yet, so if you can do that, and email it to me, I will move your grade up to a C-. This was music to my ears! (or eyes, cause I was reading it.) I was SOOO happy that I could get that homework done and turn it in so that I don't have to retake the class. The only problem was that I hadn't done the homework yet, so I spend the whole afternoon doing it and finally got it in at about 4:50. They stop doing book buyback at 5 o'clock so I rushed up to the Manwaring Center to sell my accounting book back, and they had already closed!! So I walked up and asked if they could return my book, and the lady that was working was super nice and let me sell it back. 92 dollars later, I was a happy girl. To end this short story, schools out, I'm going to Utah for 2 weeks, and I'm very happy for it to all come to an end.