Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Crazy Eights
8 things I am passionate about:(not in any particular order)
1. My Family
2. My Friends
3. The Gospel
4. Music
5. Taking Pictures
6. The Scriptures
7. Becoming a better person
8. Writing in my journal (this is a new one)

8 things I want to do before I die:
1. Travel...for sure (Egypt, Jerusalem, Spain, Germany, Japan, Australia...ect)
2. Get married
3. Have lots of kids!!
4. Go on a mission
5. Actually be 100% happy with myself (I dont think it will ever happen)
6. Be more dedicated to the Lord
7. Learn how to teach
8. Get in really great shape

8 things I say often:
1. Actually
2. Well...
3. Like (just can't seem to break that habit)
4. Are you kidding me?
5. I love you!
6. Honestly....
7. Seriously....
8. Thank you (I'm really trying to say it more often)

8 books I've read recently:
1. BOM (still reading)
2. That last Sue Grafton book...i forgot the name
3. Princess Bride
4. The Bible
5. My journal
6. Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus
7. Preach my gospel
8. The RS manuel???

8 songs I could listen to over and over:
1. Pretty much anything by "A Fine Frenzy"...but I'll go ahead and list them anyway. Almost Lover
2. Ashes and Wine by A Fine Frenzy
3. Near to You by A Fine Frenzy
4. End of Days by A Fine Frenzy
5. Mexico by Incubus
6. Drive by Incubus
7. Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap
8. Anything by the Postal Service

8 things I've learned this past year:
1. I learned SOO much about myself its crazy
2. I've learned that I actually want to have a lot of kids
3. Things can change from one minute to the next
4. Don't be so eager to give your heart away
5. How to cope with loss
6. I've learned a lot about the gospel
7. The Lord will help you through anything if you just ask
8. Optimism is key

Finally the following 8 should do Crazy Eights:
1. Emily
2. Ashley
3. Jodi
4. Wendy
5. Trina
6. Tracy
7. Dad
8. Sherri

1 comment:

Corinne Hoyt said...

Hey Melissa! I loved your idea of Crazy Eights that I posted it on my blog as well. Hope you don't mind!